It has been our experience that the term “poor” doesn’t apply exclusively to those who have fewer economic means to support themselves. It also applies to anyone who has the humility to be open to God’s plan for fertility that is written into the very structure of the human body. “Blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matt. 5:3) are the opening words of the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord Jesus’ encour- agement to all who seek to do God’s will.
Couples from low-income brackets, in rich and poor countries alike around the world, fall prey to the insatiable desire for higher profits by the pharmaceutical com- panies and their despicable practice of concealing information from the public on the serious side-effects of artificial meth- ods of birth control and their abortifacient effect.
These companies, with the collaboration of unscrupulous physicians who have lost their true vocation of medicine, have become accomplices in destroying temporarily and often permanently women and men’s precious gift of fertility.
But let us keep a proper perspective about the true cause of these problems. The founder of the Pontifical Academy for Life, the late Professor Jerome Lejeune, once said:
“It is not medicine we should fear, but the folly of mankind. Every day, the ex- perience of our predecessors increases our ability to change nature by using its own laws. But using this power wisely is what each generation must learn in its turn. We are certainly more powerful today than ever before, but we are no wiser: Tech- nology is cumulative, wisdom is not.”
What we seek is to marshal the wisdom of modern science in support of the most important work of parenting: God’s command to “be fruit- ful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28; 9:7). We are certainly not being fruitful nor multi- plying at the present time except for Af- rica, which the Gates Foundation is try- ing to eliminate, unless we do something to stop it.
We live in such contradictory times, where technology claims to have the an- swer to every human problem, even if those ready-made answers militate against one another. For example, in the relent- less anti-fertility campaigns of our day, couples pay or, if they are poor, are per- suaded to have their gift of fertility de- stroyed in order to avoid what is termed the “burden” of childbearing.
Then, for convenience, timing, health, or other reasons, when couples get des- perate and wish to have a child, they turn to the very institutions that eviscerated their fertility in the first place and are will- ing to pay any price to “restore” what they once rejected: the gift of human life.
Thus the business of buying and sell- ing fertility through technology has cheapened the very concept of procre- ation and the inherent dignity of the child. It has further inculcated the contradictory attitudes of revulsion and entitlement to- ward children that betray the very essence of what a child is: a gift. Others, after hav- ing made many mistakes in the area of human sexuality, may feel a deep sense of self-reproach and feel wounded when their consciences finally awaken. Many repent of these mistakes and feel a strong desire to return to Natural and Divine Law.
Most problems for achieving or postponing pregnancy naturally can be con- quered by accepting with humility that God created for us a short window of fertility that must be cherished and protected. These rev- elations are destined solely for the spouses who wish to live their lives in harmony with God’s laws for man and nature and who be- lieve in life, believe in love that nurtures life and those families that nurture their children for the well-being of humanity, for that is where our future lies.