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About us

Family of the Americas Foundation (FAF) was founded in 1977 as a non-profit educational organization dedicated to promoting programs for the family as well as uplifting and strengthening women and families worldwide.  Through education in the Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning, we help couples who are trying to conceive or those who wish to postpone pregnancy.

Our organization focuses on research and practical application to couples worldwide. We have trained over 25,000 teachers in more than 100 countries since our founding in 1977.  Our challenge today is to continually renew and support this network and expand our efforts in starting new centers, around the world.

Family of the Americas also provides instruction on its program for parents entitled "LOVE AND FAMILY, Raising a Traditional Family in a Secular World". Its teaching is not only precise, but also in agreement with the Natural Law and common sense. It covers the psychology of the baby, an adolescent and young adult, including a healthy education in human sexuality. This program gives answers to psychological, physiological and sociological problems. Included in the book "LOVE AND FAMILY" are the secrets of life and of love that parents have experienced on their own family. "Happy the children whose parents read this book or attend the course and put in practice this advice", says the late famous Professor Jérôme Lejeune. "Their children will be protected from venereal diseases because they will be told the truth: there is no such thing as safe sex in promiscuity".

If you want to know more about our work, you can download our achievements report.

Family of the Americas

Mercedes Arzu Wilson in the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements

OAS Meeting in Antigua Guatemala, June 2013.


Family of the Americas representatives and other pro-life/family organizations participate at International Congresses defending life and the family.

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